Thursday, May 22, 2014

Four Health Benefits of Christian Comedy

 Clean Comedian for Women's Events - Sally Edwards
Comedian Sally Edwards
     If you're planning a church-related event, consider the benefit of inviting a Christian Comedian to entertain. Laughter will build community spirit while delivering numerous health benefits.  Laughing and feeling better physically is definitely a "Win-Win" event.

     Listed below are four health benefits of laughter which can deliver a memorable event

     (1)  Laughter boosts the immune system.  A decrease in stress is achieved through laughter.  An increase of neuropeptides fights stress and reduces its damaging effects upon the body.

     (2)  Laughter decreases pain by producing natural painkillers.

     (3)  Laughter causes a sense of camaraderie and bonding of a community.  Connecting with people is important when fighting stress and illness.  Laughter bonds individuals emotionally.

     (4)  Laughter decreases depression and anxiety.  In effect, the "mental slate is wiped clean" as we laugh. 

     The benefits of laughter are often overlooked.  Inviting a Christian Comedian to perform clean comedy at your next event will be appreciated by the members of your congregation.  You will generate spiritual bonding and effortlessly laugh your way to better health!

Sally Edwards is a professional Christian Comedian who performs nationally. Sally Edwards is the president of The Humorous Speakers Bureau marketing corporate comedians and funny keynote motivational speakers. - Laugh to Good Health - Christian Comedian

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