Monday, June 23, 2014

Clean Comedy Guarantees These Benefits

People have often asked me why I choose to perform only clean comedy.  This is a decision I came to when I first started performing stand-up comedy at new talent nights at Zanies Comedy Club twenty-five years ago.  ... I simply wanted to know if my comedy writing and jokes were funny.  Could I be funny without the crutch of profanity?  I was curious.

Twenty-five years later I have never regretted this choice and I think it is worth serious consideration by anyone starting a career in stand-up comedy today.

Performing clean shows will lead to more opportunities to perform at corporate events once you have a strong forty-five minute set.  It is a luxury to never worry about offending anyone. Prior to showtime, I often have a human resource director or event planner nervously asking if my humor is truly clean.  I feel so fortunate that I don't have to review my own set-ups and edit my material immediately before taking the stage.  I experience confidence rather than anxiety.

Clean comedy is welcome on any television channel.  Forty-five minutes of material is a true forty-five minutes of material.  Numerous appearances on television will "eat up" your material quickly.  Don't fool yourself into thinking you have forty-five minutes when twenty minutes might not be good for programming.

Writing and performing clean comedy is a fun discipline that is a "win-win."  There are no negative consequences to being marketable.  My experience confirms that it is a smart and viable option worthy of serious consideration.


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